cryptosystem security

cryptosystem security
криптостойкость криптосистемы

Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "cryptosystem security" в других словарях:

  • Cryptosystem — There are two different meanings of the word cryptosystem. One is used by the cryptographic community, while the other is the meaning understood by the public. General meaning In this meaning, the term cryptosystem is used as shorthand for… …   Wikipedia

  • Security through obscurity — In cryptography and computer security, security through obscurity (sometimes security by obscurity) is a controversial principle in security engineering, which attempts to use secrecy (of design, implementation, etc.) to provide security. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Paillier cryptosystem — The Paillier cryptosystem, named after and invented by Pascal Paillier in 1999, is a probabilistic asymmetric algorithm for public key cryptography. The problem of computing n th residue classes is believed to be computationally difficult. This… …   Wikipedia

  • McEliece cryptosystem — In cryptography, the McEliece cryptosystem is an asymmetric encryption algorithm developed in 1978 by Robert McEliece.[1] It was the first such scheme to use randomization in the encryption process. The algorithm has never gained much acceptance… …   Wikipedia

  • Cramer–Shoup cryptosystem — The Cramer–Shoup system is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm, and was the first efficient scheme proven to be secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack using standard cryptographic assumptions. Its security is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Information theoretic security — A cryptosystem is information theoretically secure if its security derives purely from information theory. That is, it is secure even when the adversary has unbounded computing power. An example of an information theoretically secure cryptosystem …   Wikipedia

  • Goldwasser-Micali cryptosystem — The Goldwasser Micali cryptosystem (GM) is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm developed by Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali in 1982. GM has the distinction of being the first probabilistic public key encryption scheme which is provably… …   Wikipedia

  • Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem — The Cramer Shoup system is an asymmetric key encryption algorithm, and was the first efficient scheme proven to be secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack using standard cryptographic assumptions. Its security is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Rabin cryptosystem — The Rabin cryptosystem is an asymmetric cryptographic technique, whose security, like that of RSA, is related to the difficulty of factorization. However the Rabin cryptosystem has the advantage that the problem on which it relies has been proved …   Wikipedia

  • Naccache–Stern cryptosystem — Note: this is not to be confused with the Naccache–Stern knapsack cryptosystem. The Naccache–Stern cryptosystem is a homomorphic public key cryptosystem whose security rests on the higher residuosity problem. The Naccache–Stern cryptosystem was… …   Wikipedia

  • Hybrid cryptosystem — In cryptography, public key cryptosystems are convenient in that they do not require the sender and receiver to share a common secret in order to communicate securely (among other useful properties). However, they often rely on complicated… …   Wikipedia

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